Moen Meets Rotemberg: An Earthly Model of the Divine Coincidence

This paper develops a simple business-cycle model with divine coincidence: inflation is on target when unemployment is efficient. The divine coincidence arises from directed search under a quadratic price-adjustment cost.

January 2024 · Pascal Michaillat, Emmanuel Saez

Economic Slack

This graduate course presents various matching models of economic slack. It uses them to study business-cycle fluctuations; Keynesian, classical, and frictional unemployment; optimal monetary policy and the zero lower bound; and optimal government spending.

January 2024 · Pascal Michaillat

Business Cycles and How to Tame Them

This minicourse presents basic facts about business cycles. It then develops a matching model to explain these business-cycle facts. Finally, it explains how monetary policy and government spending should be designed to tame business cycles.

December 2023 · Pascal Michaillat

An Economical Business-Cycle Model

This paper develops a policy-oriented business-cycle model with fluctuating unemployment and long zero-lower-bound episodes. The innovations are that producers and consumers meet through a matching function, and wealth enters the utility function.

April 2022 · Pascal Michaillat, Emmanuel Saez

Pricing under Fairness Concerns

This paper develops a model of pricing in which buyers care about the fairness of markups but misinfer them from prices. The model yields price rigidity, generates realistic Phillips curves, and explains why people dislike inflation so much.

June 2021 · Erik Eyster, Kristof Madarasz, Pascal Michaillat

Aggregate Demand, Idle Time, and Unemployment

This paper develops a model of unemployment fluctuations. The innovation is to represent the labor and product markets with a matching structure. The model simultaneously features Keynesian unemployment, classical unemployment, and frictional unemployment.

May 2015 · Pascal Michaillat, Emmanuel Saez