Resolving New Keynesian Anomalies with Wealth in the Utility Function

This paper resolves the anomalies of the New Keynesian model at the zero lower bound—explosive recession, forward-guidance puzzle, multiplier puzzle—by introducing wealth into the utility function.

May 2021 · Pascal Michaillat, Emmanuel Saez

Persistence of False Paradigms in Low-Power Sciences

This paper develops a model of science. It shows that due to homophily in tenure decisions, false paradigms may persist when a science has low power. Low power may come from a lack of evidence, or from a reluctance to base tenure decisions on available evidence.

December 2018 · George Akerlof, Pascal Michaillat

Mathematics for Macroeconomics

This graduate course covers basic mathematical methods for macroeconomics: dynamic programming, optimal control, and differential equations. The methods are used to study dynamical macroeconomic systems in discrete time and continuous time.

October 2013 · Pascal Michaillat